Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things I've realized this week.....

1. There are a lot of crazy drivers on the road. This realization has always been there for me but became even more clear during the 2 hours I spend on I-85 everyday and after having a minor fender-bender last week in 5:00 traffic. I get more and more nervous driving everyday!

2. I give people the benefit of the doubt too much. Those who probably don't deserve it but for some reason I forgive and forget too easily. Yes, I know I should forgive but I don't always have to forget.

3. People never cease to amaze me, both in good and bad ways.

4. I'm a big OCD and a perfectionist at work but can't seem to keep my house cleaned and organized and sometimes I don't really care. How is this?

5. I need to get my life more organized and on track.

6. I only have a little over a month until I turn 31! There are so many things that I wanted to accomplish in my life by now that I havn't. Am I really this old already???

7. I need to travel more even though I don't like spending the night away from home. I love my bed and the comfort of my house.

8. I need to really start training if I want to do the Cooper River Bridge Run this year. Well, maybe I'll just walk it.

9. I still haven't posted pictures of the house since I've moved in. If you read #4 you might figure out why. I'm still trying to get it organized and decorated. Maybe I will just shove everything in a close so it looks clean enough for pictures :)

10. This was a long, hard week and I am hoping for snow Tuesday (if they are still predicting it now)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please do post some pics of your house girl! OH AND I AM NOW.. OOPS ON THE CAPS...done with traveling. come and see me!