Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TAG....you're it!!!

7 Random Facts–here i go…

  1. I LOVE to get up and shop on Black Friday. My dad and I go every year at 4 in the morning and every year I get more and more excited about it! We don't usually have much that we need or really want, it's just the trill of getting out there and seeing what we can get and enjoying our time together!
  2. This isn't really a random fact but I love Christmas! I love all of the lights, the music (yes, even when it starts right after Halloween), the ornaments and trees. For some reason, it just seems that everyone is happy during this time.
  3. I always wish for snow in the winter. I feel like a kid when they say we might get snow! I am that person who sits and watches the weather channel and updates, wishing and hoping! (I even go and get groceries!!!)
  4. I love to fish! Yes, I bait my own hook and take the fish off. We don't usually keep the fish so I don't clean them but I have watched before and wouldn't mind if I had to clean it. I have always been teased b/c when I was little, I would "wash" the worm before baiting the hook. Everyone thought this was funny but I was really doing it to get the dirt off so I could see where the hook goes!
  5. I have become addicted to coupons! My sister got me involved and we have stocked our pantries and closets full of necessities for very little out-of-pocket! Just this week I got $42 worth of groceries for $5.01, thanks to triple coupons! I was so excited!!! I love getting the things I need for almost nothing. I honestly think this satisfies my need to shop without spending a lot of money :) Sad, I know. It's the little things that make me happy!
  6. I'm going to copy one of Jennifer's random facts....one of my ears is lower than the other. Not sure which one but when I wear glasses, I feel like they are crooked. No one else can tell but I can. Maybe everyone has that problem, huh, Jenn?
  7. I have a pretty big fear of heights. I can ride roller coasters and anything going fast but to stand on the edge of something or even watch someone climb up high, makes my palms sweat.

so, i’m officially tagging everyone who blogs that reads this blog to post 7 random/and or weird things about yourself.

consider yourself tagged! go!

1 comment:

carrie said...

OK coupon lover...have you heard of The Grocery Game? I found out about it from Jenn Tousey's blog and it's SUPER neat. Check it out at http://www.thegrocerygame.com/ By the way...where did you get triple coupons?!?! Let me know!